Founding Engineer / Senior Front End Engineer
San Francisco, CA
Mid-level · Full time
Posted 3 years ago

About the role

Combat climate change and create high-quality blue-collar jobs by joining as the first engineering hire at Greenwork! Our software helps build the skilled workforce that will address the climate crisis (

Join as our founding engineer and first full-time hire, alongside Greenwork’s founders Sam (CEO) and Gautam (CTO). As our Senior Front End Engineer, you'll have an outsized impact as the owner of our frontends (web + mobile), with plenty of room for career growth as our startup expands. You'll help us define and build products that empower people from diverse backgrounds to get into green jobs and decarbonize our economy.

Greenwork doesn’t have any product managers or designers. We talk to users directly and iterate; we’re counting on you to do the same. You’ll write all the code for elegant interfaces for web and mobile, end-to-end. You’ll need product sense to figure out what code is important to write, and you’ll need to ship elegant-if-not-pretty products independently (bonus points if they are pretty :).

Your compensation will include meaningful equity in our seed-stage company. Your role will include meaningful influence and impact on a huge problem, and an opportunity for leadership as the team grows.

Why you should join Greenwork

Greenwork helps develop the skilled workforce that will address the climate crisis. Our mission is to empower people from diverse backgrounds to get into green jobs and decarbonize our economy.

Our software connects workforce training programs and their students with great jobs. We support employers in solar, energy efficiency, electric vehicles, logistics, and the trades. We help training programs organize their job placement process in one place, and develop training based on employer needs.

Sam and Gautam have started companies before, and have backgrounds in software engineering and leadership. Sam has spent his career in energy, both on the technical side (as co-founder of Station A) and policy side (on his dad Tom Steyer’s 2020 presidential campaign). Gautam has spent his career in startups, most recently as a founder of Rickshaw (which was backed by Y Combinator and acquired by DoorDash).

Greenwork is backed by Y Combinator, GV, Global Founders Capital, and other strategic investors.

Greenwork helps government-funded training programs find jobs for their graduates.
Size:  1-10 employees
Year Founded:  2021
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